
#ilovedance #testamonials #thehaydockschoolofdance

Hear what students and parents say about our dance classes..

"We always felt that in a world full of rushing around and pressure to be a certain way, the ballet classes were a calm and encouraging environment. Miss Angela’s kindness and compassion encouraged Millie to be confident"

"Angela is a wonderful teacher and great fun.. Dancing with Angela is a joy and has kept me fit and well over more years than I care to remember.”

"My daughter has been dancing with Miss Angela for 9 years now. Her classes are fun and varied, but what makes the lessons really special for us is how supportive and adaptable Miss Angela is to my daughter’s needs."

"I have been part of the adult ballet class for 9 years and I thoroughly enjoy the weekly escape into dance. The lessons are never repetitive and everyone’s different levels of ability are equally catered for. Miss Angela is thoroughly professional but very fun and friendly with it. "

"Virtual Adult Beginner Street Dance brings a ray of sunshine into my kitchen on these dark winter evenings and brightens up my week with exercise and fun without the need for a babysitter or even my coat or umbrella!" 

My Movie.mov

Having fun at the Spooky Disco !

We raised £142 for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal at our Spooky Disco this year. There was games, spooky gingerbread people decorating, spooky stories, a candy hunt and lots of dancing. Please enjoy our film

#royalbritishlegion #poppyappeal #spookydisco #dancingisfun #fundraising