#nurture #dancefamily #childprotection #nspcc #gdpr #healthandsafety
Child Protection Policy
I am the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) #dsl
It is my wish to create a safe and welcoming environment for all pupils.
I actively strive to promote and maintain the welfare of every child in my care and seek to protect them from harm regardless of race, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief or any other form of identity or creed.
I believe that no child or young person should be the subject of neglectful or abusive behaviour. Bullying will not be tolerated.
From that, in my classes I will:
Try, with intentional teaching, to go beyond the moves and use my words, actions, influence and artistic choices to nurture healthy self-esteem and identity in children and teens (and all pupils in my classes), and also;
Use my posting power on social media platforms to be a positive role model.
Teaching Dance and Physical Contact
Teaching dance is a physical activity and as a teacher I will very occasionally need to make physical contact with a student to show an idea or to correct the student’s position.
This can include:
• Lifting an arm or a leg
• Adjusting arms, legs, rib cage, hips, feet, hands
• Moving one student in relation to another
Where contact is needed, I will remain sensitive to the student’s wishes and put their welfare first.
To protect children and young people in my care, I will:
• Value and respect children and listen to what they have to say
• Work with children, parents and relevant organisations
• Share my policy with all staff, parents and students
• Ensure that those in regular contact with children hold a current DBS check (or non-UK equivalent)
• Take responsibility for children and young people’s safety when in my care
• Seek permission from parents before taking images (photographs or film) of students and inform them how and where the images will be used (see below)
• Report suspected neglect or abuse to the nominated member of staff, relevant organisation (Chorley Borough Council’s Safeguarding Team), or the police.
• Ensure that this policy is regularly updated
This policy applies to all staff/volunteers and covers children under the age of 18 and/or vulnerable adults under the age of 24.
This policy was last reviewed on 12/09/22
Name: Miss Angela Haydock
Job Title: Dance School Principal
The Taking of Photographs and Videos
I recognise that taking images of students in my care may not always be appropriate and that some children and parents may not want images taken at any time.
Therefore, before taking images of a child or young person, I will:
• Make clear to the child and parent where and when the image will be taken
• Clearly identify the person who will be taking the image
• Explain how the image will be used, e.g. whether it will be posted on social media or printed to be displayed at the school
Where I have publicly displayed images at my school or on social media, parents and/or students may withdraw their permission at any time. In such cases, the images will be removed as soon as is reasonable and without question.
I ask that any parent wanting to take photographs or film at my events only do so with my prior permission.
Permission will only be granted on the agreement of all present.
Records Management & Data Retention Policy
Information to be collected and retained: Name, Address, pupil date of birth (children), contact phone number (landline or mobile), email address, Facebook contact, signature of consent.
Also, marketing information regarding where a pupil first heard of The Haydock School of Dance will be gathered on the same form.
The Haydock School of Dance will retain the personal data, as detailed above, for only as long as it is relevant and current.
Personal information is stored as a paper copy and encrypted on a cloud platform.
Data will be reviewed every year. When data is no longer relevant paper copies will be shredded and digital copies will be permanently deleted.
You may ask to see any personal data held on file for you, and details of how it is processed, at any time. Please provide proof of ID.
If any data needs correcting or deleting please just let me know.
Health & Safety Policy
This is a statement of general policy and arrangements for The Haydock School of Dance.
We will actively maintain and promote good health and safety procedures and will:
• Maintain safe and healthy dance conditions, as far as it is in my power to do so.
• Provide adequate control of the health and safety risks at our school, as far as it is in my power to do so.
• Be open to comments and suggestions from our pupils and their parents on matters relating to health and safety
• Make pupils and their parents aware of this policy
• Record any harm or injuries that occur in an Accident Book and make changes where required to avoid similar incidents in the future
• Regularly review and update this policy
Miss. Angela Haydock has overall responsibility for health and safety.
Miss. Angela Haydock has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice.
A First Aid box with an Accident Book is located in Miss. Angela’s green box
In the case of an emergency or serious injury, please contact the emergency services on 999 or 112
If Miss. Angela needs help with her Pacemaker, and the ambulance has been called, her Pacemaker I.D card is in the red pencil case – this will give all the exact + relevant details to the ambulance technicians to help her in an emergency. Also, in there is a number to call for a loved one to come to be with her.
This policy was last reviewed on 12/09/22
Name: Miss. Angela Haydock
Job Title: Owner and Principal of The Haydock School of Dance
Business Address: Whittle le woods Methodist Church Hall, Preston Road, Clayton le Woods, Chorley. PR6 7HU
Phone: 07999 822272 Email: angela.haydock@googlemail.com